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Minutes, Thursday, July 17, 2019 at 11:00 am Bodega Bay CERT Meeting Bodega Bay Fire Station

Bodega Bay Cert

Attending – Sean Grinnell, Linda Stout, Dewey Kribs, Patty Ginochio, Dave Blottie, Linda Mark, Note her contact information: (, Landline: 707-377-4087 cell 707-492-6286

Absent: Ed Cohen, Bonnie Spencer

Meeting called to order at 11:00 am by Linda Stout

- No minutes from last meeting

- Linda Mark will become Treasurer due to resignation from Bonnie Spencer. Via electronic vote on 7-19-19, Patty made a motion for Linda to become new Treasurer, Dewey Kribs seconded and all in favor.

- Linda S presented Treasurer report. We run on a fiscal year from 9-1 to 8-31.

o Money spent on communications equipment

o Reconstruction of website paid by Linda Stout

o Expense of liability insurance. Supplemental bill in July $250 - $300.

o We have a CPA that does our Federal Taxes. Don’t take in more the $50k per year so simplify. Linda S does State tax.

- Dave Blottie donated $40 from tips from event at Ginochio’s Kitchen & GAB

- Motion to Approve Treasurer’s Report – Dave motioned, Sean seconded, all in favor

- Ed Cohen is managing website now. Up & running! Check it out.

- Expenses Approved:

o Approve Honda Generator $500 plus 161.24 Generator for the Shed. Stored in Station 2

o Approve - Shay – Programming software for radio $30.13

o Approve Dewey for back up batteries and accessories $776.61

o Approve for CPA Tax $250

o Approve for web – Switched to WIX from GoDaddy. Paid of year service $256.00

o Motion to pay bills – Dave motioned, Dewey second. All in favor.

- All handouts at meeting are to be emailed to Patty to become part of the minutes.

Communications – Dewey

CERT Ham Status as of July 17, 2019

o Recruiting and Testing

o 7-8 New Hams were tested successfully earlier this year. 7-8 have expressed interest in a new test in September. We are waiting for final commitments before arranging the test date. (from Sue Tichava).


7 new Hams were trained in the new Ham course (first time offered). Ready for the new recruits in September/October. Trained four new people to operate CERT Control from the Station Radio Room. We will recruit more this fall.

Radio Room

o Reorganized the radio room to accommodate both CERT and District operations better. Radios have been added and moved so that operators will not intrude on each other. There are now two CERT radios and five District radios. All are operational.

o The CERT radio has been used twice to check into the quarterly roll call of Sonoma County EOC/Command Posts. This allows a quarterly check of

o The CERT station has two earphones that can be connected to the station radio thereby providing a better acoustic environment during intense disaster operations.

o A laptop has been installed, including station network access, for programming radios, preparing CERT materials, and providing Disaster welfare email. It may be included in the EOC operations as they become better defined.

o The hardware and software for the WINLINK email system has been procured but not installed or tested yet. This system will allow emails by radio to be processed at outlying internet stations and thereby provide email contact when we are isolated with power and internet out.

o A better backup power system has been ordered to replace the current SLA battery (which is probably dead). Expected to be completed over the summer. We will have solar charging of a Lithium Ion 50 AHr battery with charging ports for USB, DC equipment, and a Volt meter to measure the battery capacity.

Weekly Net

o Tom Tucker continues to manage the weekly Net, recruit net control operators, and support CERT Ham operations generally. I think (have not asked Tom for stats) we have between 20 -25 checkins each week.

Programs – Dave

o August Meeting

§ Offer little snippets of things – Dewey – Radio – 5 Minutes

§ Discussed what happens with 911 calls at November Meeting

§ Patty to work with Dave on year plan

Community Service

o Dave to help Heron neighborhood with Brooks Rooney

o Sonny & Jim are going to do Salmon Creek

o Bonnie & Liz do Old Town

Power Project - Dave – Power – Solar lights – charger. Power Project has not moved forward. Deployable solar kept at Station and deployed to sheds as necessary. Costco may assist with lights. Maybe have a solar expert meet with CERT. Need to be able to make themselves into an island to use power when solar is used – Transfer Switch. Organize RV locals as an option too.

Old Business

o Fishfest -Parking was successful with CHP explorer - Fish Fest gave them dollars. Dewey to ask for procedures when a situation like a lost child occurred. Dewey handling 2020 Fishfest for CERT.

o Website Development – Ed taking over management and responses

o Board Positions – Need to recruit. Linda will discuss at meeting

o Preparedness Fair – Will do a drill at 3 at 3 Disaster Sheds, then will do a recap at Fire Station, then BBQ and then folks stay for Firefighter Open House which will concentrate on fire safety.

o CHP Open House – Date has not been confirmed. If we participate, we must be at upper level.

o Training – Linda is no longer able to do training. Who? Collaborate with other areas?

ü New Business

o Linda wrote a letter from BB CERT to BBFPD regarding consolidation recognition for CERT

o Need to recruit for replacement position for President & CERT for January 2020


o Next meeting August 12, 2019

Meeting Adjourned 1:30 pm


August 12th Meeting Outline:

Bodega Bay CERT August 12, 2019 Proposed Meeting Overview

Opening Remarks – Linda Stout

- Open Board Positions – Linda Stout

- Trainings – Linda Stout

- Ham Radio/Communications Update – Dewey

- Disaster Drill Announcement - Patty

Overview & Introduction of Meeting Topics – Patty Ginochio

Air Ambulance/Helicopter Rescues & Insurance Coverage

- BBFPD - Jim Levy to talk about how & when helicopters are used for rescue including CHP, Sheriff Henry 1 & Reach

o How does BBFPD interact with a helicopter rescue

- Reach Air Ambulance/Helicopter Services & Insurance Program Offered

o Representative – Nicole Vice, Membership Manager to discuss service & review insurance coverage available

In Case of Immediate Emergency – What SHOULD “you” DO or NOT do to help?

James Levy Presenting:

- You are standing in line at the grocery store and the person next to you falls to the floor and appears to be experiencing a seizure

- Your neighbor calls and says they cut themselves and are bleeding badly but won’t call 911. Wants you to come over and help?

- You see a loved one experiencing symptoms of a heart attack or stroke?

- You are dining out and your loved one begins to choke on their food?

- Do you really know how to do CPR enough to save someone?

New Website Presentation – Ed Cohen

- Brief overview of website. If guests want to stay, full tour of site

Overall Description for invite:

Join Bodega Bay CERT on Monday, August 12, 2019 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm at the Bodega Bay Fire Station. It will be an informative evening that you don’t want miss.

Learn about Air Ambulance services (Reach, CHP, Henry 1) use on the Coast. Why are we seeing so many more rescues via helicopter? What is the cost to you? Who decides when one is needed? Learn about a negotiated BB CERT discount for helicopter insurance rescues offered by Reach.

Do you know WHAT immediately to do in an emergency? What if your best friend stops breathing, chokes, has a seizure, stroke, heart attack, broken arm/leg or is severely bleeding. What should you do or not do to help? Learn from a Bodega Bay Paramedic what the best immediate response to help them the “right” way. This brief overview can help you make the right choices to possibly save someone’s life rather than doing something wrong that could make the situation worse.

Meeting Notification Distribution: CERT Email, Patty/Ed Facebook, Post office, Gazetter, Diana Bundylist, Harbour Newsletter, Nextdoor, BB List

Linda Handout with Dewey Input for Assignments:

BODEGA BAY CERT leadership job description

Regular Meetings:

General membership – program (Dave chair.) 4/year

scheduling, agenda, speaker, program, set-up

Board (New President)

meeting – set-up, scheduling, agendas 4/year

planning – set-up, scheduling, agendas 2/year

Fish Fest planning meetings (Dewey/Dave for all below) (+/-) 7/year

January grant request presentation

Festival (+/-) 4 days

parking set-up

tent set-up

communications – (Dewey with Sue T.)

BHHA - (Ed) (9/2019 meeting) (+/-) 12/year

Collaborative (Dewey) (+/-) 4/year

BBFPD Board (Dewey) 12/year

Other Meetings:

BBA Chamber

Sea Gals

BBFPD Support Staff (Dewey)

staff meetings (Dewey) 12/year

committees (Dewey) (+/-) 6/year

CERT/FEMA regional (New President?) (+/-) 5/year

Sonoma Co. CERT programs (New President?) (+/-) 5/year

(training & start-up)

Events & Planning

Sheds and Neighborhoods (??Patty, Dave with others)

plan & schedule get togethers, set-up, clean-out sheds

Preparedness Faire – set-up (??Patty, Dave with others)

CHP Open House – plan, set-up, staff (Dewey and Sue T.—Radio Part only)

(Possibly can get Sue T for booth ops generally with help setting up)

Night at the Fire Station (Dewey and Sue T.—Radio Part only)

(??Patty, Dave with others)

Practice Drills – plan, schedule, set-up (Neighborhood Captains with Board member support—Patty, Dewey plus group)


CERT Basic – set-up, teach (Possible Emily, Heath, Others)

CPR (community & business trainings) – set-up, teach (Jenny)

First Aid – set-up, teach (Jenny)


Financial – banking, taxes, registrations, bill pay, PO’s (Linda M.)

Equipment orders and sales (Linda M. with others)

Communications – (Ed Cohen chair.)


Maintain email list, corrections

Compose emails

Email inquiries responses

Thank you letters for: (Linda M. with others)

Donations (year-end) (Linda M.)

Speakers (Dave B. with others)

Other donors – equipment, materials, supplies (New President)

Reports, newsletters, community info (Ed? With New President)

BBFPD (Dewey),

BHHA (monthly)

Power Project – (Dave) meetings, presentations

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PO Box 451, Bodega Bay, CA 94923

BBCERT is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation exempt from federal tax under section 501 (c) (3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code.


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