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Bodega Bay CERT NEWSLETTER, September-October, 2021

Bodega Bay Cert


BB CERT held a public program by Zoom on September 13,” WILDFIRE! PREVENTION AND RESPONSE,” that was attended by 48 persons.

Justin Fox, Operations Captain, BBFPD, presented a PowerPoint covering the recent history of wildfires affecting the region, environmental conditions leading to wildfires, fire risk for Bodega Bay properties and people and how to reduce it, and evacuation advice.

Misti Wood from the Sheriff’s Department spoke about, “Know Your Zone,” (Bodega Harbour South is 1K4, North is 1K3) which is your location identification for when an evacuation order or warning is issued. She also covered the importance of being ready to go (e.g., prepare a “go bag” with essential items) quickly, should the need arise, and demonstrated the use of bright yellow EVACUATION tags that residents should put on their street-facing door when they evacuate. This alerts first responders to the fact that the premises are vacant, saves them time from searching, yet also alerts them to keep an eye out for vandals. EVACUATION tags are available free from a CERT Shed Captain or at BBFPD.

James Cooper from Sonoma County Emergency Management Department spoke about vast improvements in the County’s disaster response capabilities and resources since the fires of 2017 and 2019, notably in early fire detection, public communications, inter-agency coordination, emergency shelters, support from the business community and non-profit helping organizations, and more. The County’s plan is to direct evacuees to places that can handle sudden food, shelter, medical, and social service needs for hundreds of people, and not to Bodega Bay. Mr. Cooper assured us that the County is prepared to assess and respond to needs that may arise if the coast is again inundated with evacuees.

The next public program, tentatively about protecting animals during a disaster, is scheduled for November 8, 2021.


Based on a recent survey, there are 21 active Ham radio operators that identify with a Bodega Harbour address. BB CERT counts HAMS as part of the emergency response team, as they are essential in facilitating communications in the event of internet and phone failure during a disaster. Five of CERT’s ten disaster supply sheds in greater Bodega Bay are located in Bodega Harbour neighborhoods. The sheds and the CERT volunteers that staff them, are critical resources to neighbors during a disaster when first responders are overwhelmed or not immediately available. CERT volunteers receive training in situational assessment, first aid, rescue, triage and more. In addition, CERT volunteers that are shed captains, also recruit and train neighbors that are interested in helping neighbors, when a disaster happens.

Bodega Harbour neighborhoods need more volunteers for CERT, especially in the Gull area. More attention is needed to the condition of Harbour sheds and their contents, to make sure that they are accessible, safe, and the equipment is serviceable. We are planning to hold a “CERT Shed Open House” soon to explain how CERT volunteers and the sheds operate during a disaster. For more information, contact


Although we began the census two months ago, very few census forms have been submitted. We are aware of more than 60 or more persons in our area that are CERT or that volunteer to help their neighbors during a disaster, so please send us your census form. Please complete this census, even though you may have participated in the recent survey of local Hams, and even though you may not have completed CERT training but are willing to serve in a helping capacity in the event of a local disaster.

The new census form has been e-mailed to everyone that is on the BB CERT mailing list and/ or receives this newsletter. If you did not receive it, or you know of someone else that should get the census form, please let us know. Completed CERT census forms should be sent to: or to: CERT, P.O. Box 451, Bodega Bay, CA 94923


The next CERT training in Bodega Bay will be on CPR/AED and First Aid, on a date TBD in October. Only volunteers that have completed Basic CERT Certification are eligible for this course. For more information, contact:


All sheds have recently been supplied with new multi-purpose shovels and solar/battery emergency spotlights.

A schedule for training Shed Captains and all shed volunteers, including CERT and non-CERT volunteers, is in development. Some sessions will be in person, and some will be online, via Zoom. In the meantime, Shed Captains should be recruiting and identifying neighbors that will volunteer, including collecting their contact information. Keep an eye out for the first meeting announcement. For more information, contact


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PO Box 451, Bodega Bay, CA 94923

BBCERT is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation exempt from federal tax under section 501 (c) (3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code.


© 2025 by BBCERT

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