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Frequently Asked Questions

In case of emergency call or text 9-1-1.


Click here for the Emergency HAM Radio Frequency list.


Sonoma Sheriff's Department: (707) 565-2511

What is CERT?

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as basic first aid, fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises and simulations, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community.


Our FEMA-based curriculum is the same in all classes.

How long is CERT training?

We have multiple CERT training options.  Please email us to find out which works best for your schedule.

What if I have concerns about my age or physical ability?

People of all ages have taken the CERT training. During CERT classroom training, if one has a concern about doing a skill like lifting, just let the instructor know. You can learn from watching. We would like everyone who wants to go through the training to have an opportunity to participate and learn the skills. CERT educates participants about local hazards and trains them in skills that are useful during disaster and life’s everyday emergencies.
There are many jobs within CERT for someone who wants to be involved and help in an emergency. Following a disaster, CERT members are also needed for documentation, comforting others, logistics, etc. Non-disaster related team activities may include keeping databases, organizing a neighborhood group, planning activities, public education, helping with special events, and organizing exercises and activities.

How do I maintain my skills?

There are several ways to maintain what you’ve learned in the CERT Basic training. Bodega Bay CERT holds several Advanced Trainings each year for those who have completed the Basic Training, including one disaster simulation exercise.


Other trainings include first aid certification, how to work with animals, both wild & domestic, in a disaster and how to run a CERT Command Post. These trainings will be posted on the website with guidelines for registering. It is also important that you take the lead and enroll in more advanced first aid or shelter management classes with the American Red Cross.


You can volunteer at a safety fair to educate others about the importance of CERT training. 

PO Box 451, Bodega Bay, CA 94923

BBCERT is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation exempt from federal tax under section 501 (c) (3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code.


© 2024 by BBCERT

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