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Build Your Kits

It is important to collect and store your supplies so they are readily available in an emergency. Having a Family Plan so everyone understands how to get out of the house and where to meet if separated, takes a minimal amount of time to complete but could save lives later.


Build a Kit Checklist
If you are able to shelter in place in your home, this kit provides you with the items needed to stay warm, fed and safe. Store your supplies in a safe place, check expiration dates on food and water twice a year and replace as necessary.


Grab & Go Checklist
If you had 10 minutes to evacuate, what are the 10 items you would take? A great exercise to do and this checklist provides you with some ideas and a place to record them. You might even collect some ahead of time and put them in your Evacuation Backpack.


Evacuation Backpack
If you have to evacuate, this backpack will contain cash, important papers, change of clothes, and more. Fill out the Grab & Go Checklist and keep it in the backpack for last minute items, such as medications and phone charger. Make a backpack for each member of the family.


Evacuation Plan Checklist
It is important that your family have a discussion about what to do in an emergency, how to get out of the house in a fire, and where to meet if you are separated. Learn more about how to talk to your children by contacting us.


Emergency Contact Cards
Make sure all members of the family have an emergency contact card in their possession at all times. Keep copies in your Evacuation Backpack and Mini-Survival kits.


Mini-Survival Kits: Car and Work
Disasters can occur at any time. Both the Car and Work Kits provide you with a change of clothes, comfortable shoes, first aid kits, water, and nutritional snacks.

PO Box 451, Bodega Bay, CA 94923

BBCERT is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation exempt from federal tax under section 501 (c) (3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code.


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