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BB CERT Communication System
& HAM Radio

"The eyes and ears of our first responders during emergencies."

Bodega Bay CERT has a well organized communications system that is used during disasters to gather information from our neighborhoods to be used by first responders. 

This system has four components.  They are:

  • A large number of ham radio operators who deploy in emergencies to report damage and injuries.


  • Twelve emergency supply sheds, each with radios and search teams.


  • An Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located at the fire house to receive calls from ham radio operators in the field and relay them to first responders.


  • Sonoma County has an extensive ham radio network called the Auxiliary Communications Network/System (ACS) that links radio repeaters across the county to allow BB CERT hams to deliver messages to the Emergency Operations Center in Santa Rosa or to almost any city in the county.  BB CERT is part of that network.

Ham Radio

Bodega Bay CERT Hams are FCC licensed amateur radio operators who prepare for Bodega Bay potential disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires and a variety of other emergency problems.


In Bodega Bay we are associated with the professional first responders at the Bodega Bay Fire Station (as part of Sonoma County Fire District). The fire station considers CERT Hams to be their eyes and ears on the ground during a disaster. First responders will not be able to be everywhere in the disaster and will rely on CERT Hams to inform them of the situation so that resources can be best put to use.

Specifically, our CERT Hams play the role of communicators in several ways during a disaster.

These are the key functions we CERT Hams perform:

  • Our Hams work in teams with other CERT trained members to check on the neighborhood, render assistance where possible, organize the neighborhood for the welfare of all, coordinate with other teams, report to CERT Leaders and report to CERT Command and Control at the main fire station.


  • We talk with other CERT Teams in the neighborhood to coordinate needs for shelter, food and water, medical and triage, light rescue, small fire suppression and the many other disaster impacts.


  • We call in to CERT Net Control at the fire station to report the status of power outages, road conditions, environmental elements (such as flooding, fire, liquefaction) and other significant disaster conditions that first responders and other CERT neighborhoods need to know about.


  • We call in to CERT Net Control at the fire station to inform first responders of need for assistance in fire, medical and rescue efforts. In some cases paramedics or EMTs may provide quick response consultation over the Ham radios for medical conditions. Responders may also be able to advise on fire suppression and rescues as well.

Many Hams will also be trained to operate the CERT Net Control at the fire station. They will answer other CERT Hams calls and inform the Emergency Operations Center of conditions, logistical needs, and threat situations as reported by CERT Hams. They will also assist in coordination among neighborhoods.


Staff requirements and protocols for CERT Net operations in the Radio Room. CERT Net operation supports Sonoma County Fire EOC (Emergency Operations Center) communications.  More details are provided in the SOG references.



CERT Drill 2-2013 014.JPG


Becoming a Ham is easy, even if you have no experience with radios. You must pass an FCC test on basic radio theory, FCC regulations and operation. We offer the test here in Bodega Bay as needed. We will provide guidance on taking the test. The exact questions and answers in the test pool are available along with study guides. If you would like to find out how you can be a CERT Ham in Bodega Bay please contact us for more information.

Shed Comms

Bodega Bay CERT has deployed emergency supplies in twelve sheds located throughout our neighborhoods in locations that are easily accessible during disasters.  These sheds are equipped with two kinds of radios used to connect with the EOC and to members of the shed team that are searching for injured people.  These radios consist of hand held radios carried by the search teams and a base station that is used to communicate with the EOC.


Our hand held ham radios can function as either a ham radio or a walkie talkie. We have programmed them to do either function.  This way, members of our shed teams that do not have ham licenses can communicate with their shed captains as the perform their searches during a disaster.  This is using the best parts of GMRS (General Mobil Radio Service) as part of our communications system.


Bodega Bay CERT has an emergency operations center located in the local fire house.  It is equipped with several kinds of radios.  These radios allow CERT to communicate with hams in the field as well as to the Emergency Operations Center in Santa Rosa and hams in other parts of the county.


The EOC also contains radios that allow the sending of emails to anywhere in the world without the need for the Internet., should the area lose that service due to an outage.


The EOC is located in our local fire house which has generator backup that keeps the power on for at least 5 days insuring we can operate until outside help arrives or power is restored.


In a room next to the EOC there is a smart board that has a complete map of the Bodega Bay area on it.  When an emergency call comes into the EOC, the call and the nature of the emergency is entered into a data base and a symbol appears on the smart board map showing where the emergency is and its level of urgency.  First responders can look at all the emergencies that have been reported and determine how and when to respond to each.


Sonoma County ham radio operators have created a system of ham operators that span the entire county.  During emergencies this network, the Auxiliary Communications Network (ACS), is mobilized to allow communications to most of the county using only its ham radio operators.  It has been used during big storms to get information out of Bodega Bay when all other forms of communication have been lost.

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